Thursday, April 1, 2010

Spring and other musings.

Why does fancier, more expensive food mean smaller portions?

In a nation claiming to be concerned about health why are healthy options more expensive than unhealthy?

Why can you get free refills on pop, but not on milk?

After three sweet potatoes in less than a week I am officially over all sweet potato intrigue.

I thought after college the importance of filling in the correct bubbles on surveys/tests would no longer be important. Then I began applying for endless amounts of jobs. There are even more bubbles to fill in than there were during gen ed courses in college. yikes.

Spring is in the air...which means summer is coming...which means:
- I hope I am out of KS and into Denver by August.
- I am reminded of the warm weather female attire that I always find extremely awkward
- I am also reminded of the fact that I lack style - even more so in the heat than in the cold
- Nighttime is even better - the cool breeze and endless possibilities brought by stars in the sky
- The desire to travel becomes more than overwhelming
- Grilling anything seems like the best idea for dinner
- I remember how much I hate the smell of sunscreen and the feel of bug spray, but just how important these components are in my survival of the seasons
- I still think it would be wonderful to live by a large body of water
- I am only going to be young once - how do I make the most of it?
- Everyone I know is breaking up or getting together and it all seems quite messy
- It becomes increasingly difficult to sit inside all day
- Swimsuits are coming. Yuck.
- Shorts. Who invented the fit of girls shorts? Awkward.
- Freckles. They appear. and multiply at rapid rates.
- I wish I knew how to toss/catch a frisbee amongst all other outdoor sports people like to gather and play when it gets nice outside.
- Iced coffee starts to sound a lot better than hot coffee
- Allergies have returned, looking to strike whenever possible.
- It is too warm to wear hoodies - a most unfortunate happening.

More musings to come - next topic - jobs...interesting ones I make up in my free time.