Wednesday, June 30, 2010

...another list...

Since I can remember I have been operating with lists. To-do, pro-con, name it...I'm a fan - things always seem clear in list format. Thus, today I bring you a list. A to-do list of sorts, one that includes things I wish to do/see/accomplish, preferably in some sort of timely manner.

In no particular order...

- learn at least one more language
- travel - everywhere
- take an extensive road trip
- live in a big city, again, where public transit occurs daily
- eat healthily
- learn to cook a wider variety of tasty foods
- work at a job I enjoy - one that has a constantly changing/evolving work environment allowing for continuous growth, learning and development
- ride on a sailboat
- learn to drive a stick-shift...without awkward stalling
- work out, walk, and/or hike daily
- live in a place I really enjoy
- be a really happy kind of way
- volunteer
- play music
- learn continuously
- read an array of books
- plant and maintain a small garden of herbs...for cooking, in case that needed to be clarified
- keep up with the news, worldly and otherwise
- try new things
- love and be loved
- learn more about different cultures
- make a positive impact
- live in a clean and organized place
- learn to an un-spazztaztic manner
- live by a large body of water
- live near mountains
- go back to Barcelona
- learn more about wine..and cheese
- have a hammock on my deck/porch
- get a huge dog to play with Autumn
- train Autumn
- travel to every continent and live as the locals do
- learn to love naps a little bit less

In the meantime...

I'd really love to find a single job...that pays all of my bills with a bit of money left over. One in which I can learn and grow. For every part of me that enjoys routine and knowing, I really desire employment in a fast paced, constantly changing environment. I enjoy the excitement of learning new things and keeping things interesting. Now, if this job happened to be in a city, such as Denver, I would find that to be ideal.

I'd also like to know how one finds the niche jobs. Things like working for a company that allows you to travel internationally and bridge cultural gaps. Or work with musicians/music groups who wish to take an international tour...working out all the details of the itinerary etc etc.

Once I've found this one single job that pays all of my bills...I'd like to develop a routine that involves a healthy lifestyle (eating right, frequent exercise, etc), learning daily, and moving forward. I wish to say goodbye to limbo-land.


I enjoy iced coffee and clean laundry.

...hasta luego...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

same song, second verse, a little bit louder...

Today's activities have included an ice- cream sandwich for breakfast, a few cups of coffee, cleaning and wonderful Pandora throughout the morning.

Over the past year I can't help but continuously return to the irony that is free time and no money vs money and no free time. I continue to live paycheck to paycheck, something I don't think I will ever get used to. I find myself reminiscing about my time in Barcelona, walking the streets and frequenting the market for fresh produce and other delicious items. I recall how content I am when presented with the opportunity to learn new things everyday in an interesting environment. I grow disappointed when I think about how long it has been since I have felt that...which brings me back to money, or lack-there-of. (Thus the title of this blog...I feel I have mentioned this nonsense before.)

Along these lines I am being badgered by the impending doom that is represented by July 31. One may say "impending doom" seems a little dramatic, yet I argue it to be a fitting label. July 31 will hopefully mean the end of this era, and the beginning of a new and better one. However, the minor details that fall dependent include: a job...that pays, a place to move - city and home, and a plethora of decisions to be made. While I am currently employed, I hesitate to remain in a city in which I am unhappy for jobs that barely make ends meet; however, a move is quite costly. I've often thought about being a migrant with Autumn and just exploring, seeing where I end up. But even a migratory figure needs some cash-flow. It all seems pretty silly to me. =)

Still daydreaming about answers and hoping all is resolved in the very near future. At that point, a happy blog will be posted and I will appear a significantly less melancholy figure...not that this one isn't fun ;)